

whaT LoNeLy MeaNS?
IS FeEL BoRinG? Or FEel NoTHinG? OR feeL AnyTHing ElS3?

aNYthiNG WiLL bEcome LonEly?
i ThiNK iF LovEly goNE iT wiLL BeCom3s LonEly...tHis is mY OpinioN...
th@T TruTH? THen,U May ASk bY URself...

WiLL u LonEly BefoRE? wiLL u Feel SaD?
WILL U BecomEs Storonger AfteR a RelatiONshiP BreaK uP?
wHy u wiLL FeLL SAd & LonEly?
HaVE U aSK UrseLF BeFore?
IF noT...If NevEr Try iT BeforE?N u May Try iT noW...oK?

Ready A pieces oF paPeR , A pEN , & A seConD CouNteR 4 Ask urSelf a feW quEstION anD sEe how lonG u taKEn...

ReaDY & gO...

1.anything will make u hapi?
2.whaT action will u make when u feel Lonely?
3.wiLL u think aBout ur Furture?
4.what fuRtuRE u nEED?
5.havE u Hat3 anyonE?
6.why u Hat3 thE perSon?
7.Hav3 u tRy to forgivE th3 person?
8.WiLL u Feel hapi hatE a perSon?
9.wiLL u thinK befoRE what Feeling if u Forgive th3 perSon?
10.How many doeS u understand aBout urSelf?

OK...sTop the second counter anD see how long u takento wrot3 the answer of this 10 quEstion...

ok...this just 4 fun no anY means...
by thE way,see ur answer.is that u want it?
if not,try to change u attitubE...n fell how is feeL...

Get a Tim3 to ReLaX Dun be so haRd...
more understand whT u want...
AnD gEt a tarGet...try u Best to do it become u wish...
so, @LL th3 besT my FrNd...
musT tRust urSElf can do it better than befoRe...or dO it the bESt...
u R th3 best...
u can do it...
Nothing wiLL let u Give uP...
EvErythiNG wiLL beCome possible...

